Everyone's a Critic

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Break Me Off a Piece...

Okay, so let's talk about Prison Break.

First, I was a smidgen upset about the fact that right when we were finally getting a payoff for spending last season on the run from the baddies, Mike got thrown back in jail. This ever-elusive Company has been following his progress only to throw him into the pit of a portal of hell. No guards, no rules, no law. Great! (sarcasm noted)

...But I came back, because I am trying to have some faith in TPTB who control the show... only to once again have my hopes for a happy ending doused when "they killed Sara and put her head in a box" - in Lincoln's words. I am still in denial about this. I think that I, as well as many others in the viewing audience, were invested in the Sara/Michael story, but now that is nevermore (insert Raven here). I am wondering what there is to invest in now - why should I care if he gets out of jail? Isn't that one of the time-enduring prisoner's dilemmas? From Prison to what?

Curiously enough, this is also the mindset that Lincoln is in. He knows that if he tells Michael about the untimely (read: unfair) demise of Ms. Trancredi he will not continue with his mission, and Linc Jr will be less of a reoccurring character than he already is. This point alone is what might keep me interested in seeing what the outcome will be, and thus, keep me watching - for now. I hope that, like Lost, this show has an endgame in sight. It would suck for the producers to just string the story along without real substance and purpose.

Also, although she is the ultimate enemy, the female baddie that acts as Lincoln's contact is actually kind of interesting. I'm speaking from a place of denial again, but I really hope that she wasn't the one that did the deed on Sara, 'cuz she's fun to watch.

I would really like to suggest to networks the idea of shows with limited season runs. The nature of the industry is changing in response to technology (TiVo, DVR's etc) and competition (cable, movies, internet). I think it would be smart to not drag shows along multiple seasons when they can make a really spectacular story in one or two. Consumers want a beginning, middle, and end - and they will be loyal to networks which deliver in those areas. I for one snip the strings if I feel I am being pulled along aimlessly.

It'll work if you work it ;)

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Monday, August 28, 2006

The 4400 Must Die

It has been a while since we've had a TV update, and MANY things have come and gone, some good, some not so good.

Last night was the airing of the 4400 season finale. I am really upset with myself that I ever started watching this show, but I hate it when things (i.e. Series) are left unfinished... so I continue watching in hopes of a resolution. The first season, I figured that we were being treated to a drawn-out made for TV flick which would essentially last for the summer and then end. To my chagrin, that was a wrong assumption. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Instead of giving us some answers, they put up that dogged To be continued... line and told us to return next summer when all of the characters would be back with more intruige. Disgruntled, I came back, and again the new season bids us farewell with nothing answered. So let's talk about the show, shall we?

Isabella's evil reign is over. Or at least it appears to be. Tom pulled a Brad Pitt move (from Se7en) and shot her. We did learn that her 'purpose' in life was to eliminate the 4400. She did not succeed. In fact, the 4400 are multiplying, with the distribution of those yellow-green hypodermics. At the end, a character turns to the camera and offers the shot to the viewer. You have a fifty-fifty chance of dying. Still want some of the yum? Unfortunately, my odds for this show returning are not as good. It will be back. It was nominated for an Emmy. *le sigh* I suppose I will be back too. Maybe, we'll get to 'THE END' next year.

Another summer time show, brought to you from ABC Family. A boy appears out of nowhere with no memory and no bellybutton. You would think I would have learned from the 4400. Here I was hoping for a one season summer run show that would keep me entertained for the few months before the good stuff starts, and I again am foiled. Nefariously. This show will also stretch its story into another season. I can't win, I can't get out of the rain. Figuring out who and what Kyle is has been fun, but watching this show makes me wonder if the writers feel that the only way to draw in the teen demo is to always talk about sex. It's a trend that spans more than just ABC Fam shows. I hope it's not a successful one.

Back to the USA network. Here is the most enjoyable way to spend your summer viewing vacation. Watching the antics of Sean and Gus, members of a detective agency built around a face psychic (Sean) is a blast. Hopefully the main networks pay attention to this show and MONK another USA favorite. It doesn't have to always be about a mystery drawn out over 18 years (it works for LOST, but all of the copycat shows need to be found... fast).

Okay, when this first debuted, I was afraid they were going to keep them in jail so they would have a show. I am pleased to see that they have started the chase elsewhere. This is another favorite. Definately a must-watch show. It doesn't hurt that the eye candy is nice, really nice. Now that it is back from hiatus, I can ignore the no-bellybutton teen drama.

I am late to this bus, and knowing my anti-delight in unfinished series, this was a summertime find because of SCI-FIs showing of dead shows. I was hesitant to start watching because of the deadness, but this was a really good show. The writing, the visuals, directing... all together well-done. This is a on the Tivo To Do list, without a doubt. And in the same vein...

I saw this back during its run when Showtime was having a free channel preview. I liked it then, but not enough to order premium cable, so I missed it. This is another show with great writing. It's really too bad that it wasn't continued because it is really good. I am tempted to purchase DVDs... and that for me, is a stretch indeed. PLEASE USE THE COMPUTER SYSTEM. Frank Fingerman.

I also spent my summer casually watching the different attempts at filling the American Idol void. None of them were successful. I like watching the dancers do their thing because I like dance, but it was never a show that I just had to see. In fact, the times I did see it were from flipping through the channels and seeing it on. America's Got Talent was like watching a train wreck night after night. Even the Hoss couldn't keep me in my seat. The upcoming Duets show looks like something that I might like, so I'll give that a try. Fox is back to try to take over the airways.

Um, that about wraps it up for now, I guess. I would like to note that I got Tivo this summer, to get ready for the upcoming season. The starting list will most likely be: Prison Break, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, CSI (Vegas only), Desperate Housewives, ER (because I like Luka and Abby even though I didn't see seasons 2-10), Gilmore Girls, Smallville, Supernatural, and probably some other teen drama. I like the Gilmores (snappy dialogue) and I have faith that somehow Clark Kent will become a superhero even though he's a dud right now. I have no qualms about changing the lineup for the TivoMeister- Tina Fey's new show just might have some draw.

And that, as Porky would say, is all folks.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Teen Titans Crash Smallville...

or, my probing expose into the lack of continuity on the WB.

Remember how last week Chloe decided that she was actually 12, and not 5, when her mother took off for the ACME Water Tower (read: Loony Tunes Bin, scratch out Tunes). Well, this week is more of the same type of writing.

Clark and Lana decided to take a break, and its not even like the break Ross and Rachel were on... its more like today I hate you, but we can still be together.

That nonesense aside, we get Martha being set up by Luthor- yep, I think he set up the fake bribe so that he could swoop in and play the savior. Hate him, and hate the writers for making Martha so gullible to the whims of Luthor now that Jonathan is gone.

Then there is Cyborg, or Victor Stone, who is half man, half machine and running for his life. I thought is was kind of funny that he was escaping from the Public Storage facility. Now I know where to have the film shoot for my next action film- just make sure that they paint the doors white instead of orange, and instant set!

I love me some Jett Jackson, but even being "up there" on a scale of one to Taye Diggs, he couldn't save the show. The aforementioned comment from Chloe was actually funny, because Taye Diggs does prefer blondes... N-E-Way...

The coolest part of the show was Clark scanning Victor- the Cyborg skull was a nice shout out to the Titans. BUT it seems a little strange that Victor knows so much about his bionics. Couldn't they have found a name for the company that was easier for the cast to say? Cyntennetics... Cythenetics... whatever.

For this to be the story of young Superman's journey to the legend, and the story of the creation of the rift between he and Luthor- the writers are doing a poor job of following through on the promise. Nothing is explained! While the views get to see all the stuff Luthor does in the background, we don't have any evidence of Clark learning about it. So, with nothing to found his accusations, Clark always barges into Lex's office with an attitude. It's so far-fetched. I haven't seen anything substantial to underly Clark's mistrust of Lex since the whole researching-my-family stint, and since they supposedly made up since then, there's nothing there! It's kind of like the Clark and Lana fiasco. I love because I have stalked you forever. Then to Lex: I hate you because... um...line?

Who is going to explain the grease stains on Lois's clark when she returns from her unknown trip to who knows where? Oh well, at least Lana did the dishes before she left.

Overall, I'm not sure why Smallville can't release their focus on cool points and get into storytelling. Sure the graphics are nice, and the anvils (read: foreshadowing) when kept to a minimum is ironic... but I would really like to have some substance to go along with the eye candy. Give me some content and continuity people! I'm begging you!

At the end of the adventure, we get Clark giving his pay it forward speech to Victor. Um, no. The hero line falls short with me. Clark hasn't really done anything to prove that he's exalt worthy. After his talk with Lex, he comes and swaggers over to Victor like he told Lex to stay away or else. That's not really what I got from the conversation, but whatever. You da man, CK, you is da man.

To make a bad thing worse, Clark tells Lana that he wuvs her and always will, no matter what. I don't even want to go there with the writers. Quit it with the hipocracy, would you?! Please make this boy grow up. VIctor had more sense than him. Perhaps the hero talk should have been reversed.

So, Lionel remembers what the crazy Kryptonian eyeball was telling him back when he was a registered guest at the ACME Watertower. "You're secret is safe with me, Kal El." Hmm... kneel before Zod? This crazy man is channeling evil, and he wants some of that Martha Kent home cooking. Exit stage left.

I could go on, but I won't, because there has got to be something else I can watch! I knew I should have taken the blue pill!

Monday, February 13, 2006

And I'm back...

And, boy, do I have a lot to make up for. Today's rant brought to you by Days of Our Lives.

A lot has happened since New Years Eve. Zach Brady was hit by a car, driven by his newly discovered sister, Chelsea. While the storyline has shown awesome acting by Kristan Alfonso and Peter Reckell, I am sooo tired of the other players in this game. Billie- well, I haven't liked her since the whole Carly buried alive thing, but I really want her to move on and leave Bo alone. Georgia/Chelsea - according to the show history, she died! Now she's just a tool to cause trouble for supercouple Bo and Hope. Not happy with that.

Let's see... what else is happening in Salem? Well, there's the whole who's the daddy storyline with Belle, Phillip, Shawn & Mimi. Actually, we know who the daddy is (Shawn) but he doesn't know. There always has to be a parental issue is Soaps- it's just one of those mad lib type storylines. Insert character name here, and instant plot! I never enjoyed Belle & Shawn together. I think he needs an action figure girlfriend to compare with Hope. She was never the fancy, break a nail type. That being said, I'm not overly enthused with Mimi either. I was really hoping that the writer's would bring a new character on for Shawn's attentions, but that's asking too much, guess.

I was happy to see Austin & Carrie come back, but it is too farfetched for Sami & Lucas to go scheming on getting those two for themselves. That is going too far. They need to grow up- their kid acts older than them, for Pete's sake.

John & Marlena- big yawn. My biggest wish for soap operas is to speed up their storylines. They tend to drag them out forever, keeping secrets hidden until they think the audience forgets what happened... but we never do. We just get bored and only tune in when something is going to change. Read the blog over at http://theearlyedition.blogspot.com and you'll never waste your time!

Ok- that's a wrap for the Salem 500. More tv goodness tomorrow~

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Last night, I got Lost. Season Premiere week!

So... somebody's in the hatch. And it's Desmond. Freaky. So, JJ Abrams has me right where he wants me. Sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what's going to happen next.

This is good TV, brother. My only hope is that the writers keep a good balance between the mystery and the answers. Give a little, then uncover something else, but please, please don't pull a soap opera and have us following the same plotline for years. A show that has no answers would be torture and I don't have enough time in my life for voluntary flagellation.

I don't think Lost will get stale because they have so many characters, so the real danger is probably in becoming too confusing.

Highlights: Walt appearing out of the blue and then disappearing, making Shannon look like she's losing a few screws. Desmond: we get a tie-in during the same show... nice. Another bonus: more answers next week!

Lowlights: Jack's flashback wig. Desmond: wha? huh? yet another new person on the isle? Kate- dude, I thought you had his back. There goes the Jate love.

Overall, though, really excited about the new season. Here's to hoping the honeymoon ain't over!

Sunday- the Housewives are back!

btw: Congrats to Felicity Huffman on the Emmy~

I'm out.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Ok, so last year was a pretty good year for TV, in my opinion... as far as new shows go.

Desperate Housewives cracked me up, as did Boston Legal. This is a role in which I really like William Shatner. Denny Crane. Too funny.

Grey's Anatomy was good, especially for a mid year introduction to the lineup. I think ABC wins the Golden Ticket this year. I can't even start to discuss Lost and Alias. Don't open that Hatch! Walt! The Others! And Vaughn is working the other side? :sigh: Is there any other channel?

Well, yes, I suppose there is: Who can pass up the WB and the young Superman? Well, I did, until they brought Lois Lane on the scene. So she's out of canon by being in Smallville- doesn't matter. Lois is a hero in her own right, a major part of the legend that is Supes, and if SV can change canon as much as they have so far- bring on the Lane, IMHO.

There are other days for the WB, like Tuesday. I like the quirky Gilmores, and One Tree Hill has me wondering who set the dealership on fire... I have a pretty good idea, but the question is, who will be charged with the crime. Anyway, the mystery was a good change from the teen vida loca formula they had going on. I liked Jack and Bobby, but that show didn't get reeled back in, so tant pis for us. Apathy is back, until the next election year, that is.

Then there's daytime TV. Um, I'm at work, but I follow Days. I refuse to watch it, though, so I read about it ahead of time at: http://theearlyedition.blogspot.com. I can't stand how dang slow soaps are, and how repetitive, but I keep updated for nostoligic reasons (I can go away for months and catch up in a day or so).

So, there is the overview, now we will get into the details as we go.